Siesta Key is a beautiful barrier island eight miles long just offshore of Sarasota

You will find it alive with tropical atmosphere, blessed with the "world's finest, whitest beaches," filled with charming hideaways, and always offering plenty to do - but it is also a place to relax, and let the warm breezes, cool water and soft sand transport you to your personal paradise!

Siesta Key Sands

Siesta Key, Florida is very proud of our sand. In fact, we have the “World’s Finest Whitest Sand”. You’ll find beautiful seashells on Siesta’s white sands, and you’ll find the finest beach-front vacation rentals and showcase homes on the Key, too. What else can you find on the sands of Siesta Key?

You are sure to see and hear our wild parrots and the friendly pelicans while you stroll the breathtaking 8 mile long barrier island that is Siesta Key. Siesta Village is famous for its wild parrots up in the swaying palm trees as well as many other shore birds including terns, plovers, ibis, spoonbills, and storks. Bird watching is one of the favorite activities of residents and visitors alike. The many varieties of wading birds, like the beautiful snowy egret, and the great heron are just a few of the different types on our beaches and in our village. Keep an eye out for our 4 to 5 foot tall Florida Sandhill Cranes with their bright red heads and distinctive calling sounds. You will often see two walking side by side since they mate for life. Our birds seem to live comfortably among the people of Siesta Key.

Many species of exotic flowers, tropical trees and flowering shrubs and plants thrive in our sub-tropical climate as well. Offshore dolphins and manatees are often spotted frolicking in the gulf and bay waters.

The bright, white sands of Siesta Key are 99% pure quartz and is always cool to the touch. Quartz is said to have magical healing powers. Maybe this is why the residents and visitors on the beaches of Siesta Key always seem so happy. Many come to Siesta’s pristine white sand to take in its mystical powers. (Source:

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